“Cherries! Cherries! Cherries!”

Sold Out!

Thank you for a great season! We’ll see you all again next year.

If you’d like to receive a notification when we open next year, you can sign up for our e-mail list or follow us on Facebook.

For those of you who missed the pie cherries, Kelley Orchards will be offering pitted and frozen cherries at the barn sometime this fall.

Sign up for our e-mail list or find us on Facebook to receive updates.

Looking for pie cherries or berries? You can find them at Kelley Orchards, right across the road from us. Check KelleyOrchards.com to find out more. They also sell peaches, nectarines, apples and more during the fall, so be sure to sign up for their e-mails.

Locally Grown

Brooke Orchards has been growing cherries in Washington County for over twenty years. We’re family owned from root to leaf. Our goal has always been to offer the best possible cherries to our customers, and we’re happy to be able to.

Our Cherries

We raise the following varieties of red cherries: Bing, Benton and Kiona.

We raise the following varieties of yellow cherries: Rainier and Early Robin.

The Kiona and Early Robin are ripe first, followed consecutively by the Bing, Rainier and Benton.

Locally Sold

We sell all of our cherries and apricots right at our orchard in Weiser, Idaho. We also grow Honeycrisp apples, which you can find at Kelley Orchards, right across the road from us.

Brooke Orchards

50 Hill Rd, Weiser, ID 83672

(208) 642-1907

Our Hours


Late June through early July

Monday – Saturday: 7am – 6pm

Sunday: 7am – 6pm
All others please call.